Welcome to RefugeOC Youth

Our Mission

Our hope is that every student who attends Refuge Youth would encounter Jesus in a powerful way. We believe that in everything we do we want to love God, love others, and have fun!



Our desire at Refuge Youth is to walk with students into a deeper relationship with Jesus. We strive to create an environment in which students are aware of their call to discipleship. We incorporate three pillars of discipleship into everything we do at Refuge Youth.Identity, Service, and Connection are not only product of discipleship but the means by which we walk with Jesus.


When do we meet?

We currently meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Join the whole RefugeOC family for worship and then, come join us for a Middle School and High School tailored experience with other students.

We also meet for special events each month and throughout the year. Reach out to Youth Pastors Corena or Jon for more info.


Meet our youth pastors

Corena Lentz-Thompson

Email: Corena@refugeoc.com

Phone: (408) 444-3256


Jon Thompson

Email: jon@refugeoc.com

Phone: (408) 204-3488